05 June 2009

What Now?

Kyra & Colette Europe 2009 has come to a close, and it leaves a feeling of emptiness. Emptiness in the sense that I went from go, go, go all day every day to... nothing. I went back to work yesterday and it definitely felt weird. As if the last month had been a dream. I mentioned last post that the end of one trip was simply the beginning of the next, and its true! I don't know when, but somehow I will be back. For this reason Cobblestone Chronicles will remain open. Idle, but open. We stumbled across a quote that I think fits this moment.

The world is a book and those who don't travel, read only one page.

There is an element of contentedness with your place in life, but I agree with this quote. I want to read as many pages of this book that I can. Now is the time in my life to do it! I have future one-month getaways in mind, study abroad possibilities, and even the option of a no-deadline after graduation trip. The last option involves travel, run out of money, work, travel, etc... without coming home in between. I can't wait to see what else this world holds in store!

Now this said, I've really enjoyed this blogging thing. There is another part of my emptiness. Cobblestone Chronicles must be put on the backburner, but I don't want to stop writing! I think perhaps I ought to start up a new blog in the next few days. I'm at a loss for a new title though. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Niki said...

I'm so sad it's over too! I was really enjoying reading about your adventures!