17 May 2009


This city fascinates us. Where we are staying, there are no vehicles besides boats. But how could there be? Too many bridges connecting everything! We were insistent on learning how the city was built, and how it could survive, so we irritated a few street vendors until we found what we were looking for. Venice is actually built over a bunch of islands, 120 to be exact. And to connect all the life within, there are over 400 bridges! Unfortunately, Venice is sinking. Someday everyone will move to the mainland, life will fall beneath the water, and it will be no more. As peaceful as it is, without the noise of vehicles and sirens, don't put your feet in the water - there is an open sewer system. Yuck.

While in Venice, we noticed a large amount of glass stores, and mask stores. Venice is known for it's Murano glass - and its gorgeous. Too bad it would break in the backpack... The masks are for an annual festival held in Venice. Other fun things we did: ride the water bus around Venice, saw Piazza San Marco, and rode the water bus to the small islands of Murano and Burano. Murano is where the glass comes from, Burano is fun because all the houses are different colors!

1 comment:

Alicia Buhler said...

Thanks so much for sharing your travel journal Kyra. I just discovered your blog...better late than never I guess.