01 May 2009

Itinerary/ 3 More Days

Monday is take off. I'm all packed and ready to go (I think)... so how do I spend my day? I have one more shift at the pool before Monday, so that leaves alot of time to do, well, anything! And yet my day is spent sleeping in, eating a healthy breakfast of bacon and eggs, tanning (I'm pretty dark now ...for me), lunch, and ellen degeneres. 1000th episode today, and I'm happy to say I have probably only watched a dozen or so. (Happy because if I had seen all 1000, that would have been 6 years of watching ellen faithfully every single weekday) She's very entertaining though. When I can, I look forward to that hour in my day. The day usually finishes off with me making supper (now that I'm done school) and relaxing with my family. Last night I watched Twilight with my mom...she's reading the series and needed to watch the movie. I've seen it 4 times now. :D Tonight I think I'm going to ride along with my Dad as he seeds for his seasonal boss. Brings back memories from growing up, riding along in the combine. I'm looking forward to some good quality Daddy/Daughter time.

I get distracted easily. Maybe it is just easy to write and keep writing. Half the reason for posting today, was to put up a basic itinerary for the trip. Let you in on how the month is going to be spent. (Approximately) We are trying not to have deadlines, because we want our trip to be as spontaneous and as "whatever we feel like doing" as possible. Even still, here is what our month looks like:

Monday May 4, 2009 - Boarding our flight to London at 7:50 at the Edmonton International Airport. We arrive in London at 11 am the next day. (Gotta love time changes)

Sunday May 10, 2009 - Flying to Rome, Italy. We're spending two (or so) days in Rome, taking the train to Florence (2 more days there) and then to Venice (again a few days).

May 16th or 17th - See what I mean about not knowing 100% our days? We're taking the train to the South of France, probably Nice, Cannes, Marseille, Avignon. Basically the French Riviera. This will probably be a few days shy of a week.

May 22nd or 23rd - Off to Spain. A few days in Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid.

May 28th (Probably) - Taking the train up to Paris. Last few days of our trip will be spent here.

May 30th - I fly home. Colette meets up with the group she will be taking a couple classes with. She returns home June 30th.

Again, I think Colette has a better idea of exact days, but we're trying not to restrain our time schedule too much. I hope this gives you a better idea of what's happening!

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