02 January 2011

The Series of Unfortunate Events that lead me here...

You know when you wake up in the morning and just have a bad feelings that SOMETHING is going to go wrong? It's really not so pleasant to have that feeling on the day you fly halfway across the world. Long story short... I am finally in Rome and settled into my hostel for the night.

But we all know that none of you want the short version.

We arrived in the airport around 2pm, and headed to the check-in desk. All was well... except they were concerned that I might get booted out of the country for having no proof that I'm leaving ITALY. I have proof I'm leaving LONDON... but not Italy. Apparently inferences are not enough. They strongly suggested purchasing a train ticket out of the country before my 90 days was up. (My total trip is 94 days... 4 days too long to be there as a tourist). I ended up chancing it... worst case scenario would be that I have to buy a flight on the spot once I got to Rome.

Flight to Calgary.. no problems. Even had no problems making the connection, even though there was little more than half an hour between flights.

I boarded the flight to Frankfurt, and shortly thereafter the Captain makes an announcement that they are having mechanical difficulties.... loading the water tank for the bathroom. One hour later they decide to bring excessive amounts of water bottles and wetnaps on board to substitute the lack of water for flushing the toilet and washing your hands. Hmm. Regardless... a one hour delay is going to make things tight in Frankfurt, since I only have an hour and 20 minutes to make the next connection.

I don't sleep well on planes I've discovered. I try... but its more like resting my eyes. Which, I suppose, is better than nothing. On the flipside... the inability to sleep meant I got to watch the sunrise as we flew into it. Super weird, but cool.

I missed my connection to Rome in Frankfurt. By 20 minutes. Certainly didn't help that the airport is under construction, and we had to be bussed back to the main terminal. Also didn't help that the airport was crazy busy and we had to go through security again. Oh well, they rebooked me on a different flight later in the afternoon. Just meant I had 4 hours to wait in the airport. Which sucks when you don't know anyone, there is no wireless internet, and your ipod is dying.

2 hour flight to Rome. With a surprise snack! I found food on my tray after I passed out on the plane. What a lovely surprise to wake up to!!

Half an hour train ride from the airport to the city center. By now I am desperate for a real bed. 4 hours of sleep (give or take) in the last 22.

BUT! My luggage made it on time, and I had no troubles at immigration. AND! I am here safely, and ready to start this adventure!


Niki said...

So glad you made it safe and sound, despite the series of unfortunate events! Rest up!

The Schmidts said...

Thanks for the update! Glad to hear you made it safely to Italy and that your luggage arrived on time as well. Hope you've had enough 'excitement' for now and that your semester will run smoothly from here-on-in!